Like most other business organizations across the globe, companies operating in China are constantly trying to attract and recruit top talent. This is because such employing such talent is considered to the key towards ensuring the growth and success of a business organization. However, over the past several years, the top leadership development firms in China are advising their clients to look beyond talent to make their hiring process more effective. Discussed below are some these key personality traits that recruiters should seek in potential candidates to compliment their talent and make enhance their value as a great organizational resource.

Honesty And Integrity
It is important for the hiring professionals to treat honesty and integrity as the most important personality traits in potential candidates. The absence of these essential qualities in candidates reduces their trustworthiness, which plays an extremely important role for the employers while they assign critical responsibilities and projects. Moreover, candidates who are not honest can prove to be a major risk for the organization in more than one ways and hence might not be worth investing in.

Communication Skills
The next most important trait that the recruiters need to look for in prospective candidates is their communication skills. This should not only include the ability of the candidates to express their views, opinions and ideas in an effective manner, but also their ability to listen to what others have to say. Sadly, most hiring executives focus only on the former aspect of communication skills while short-listing candidates. This can prove to be a grave error, especially when the candidates being recruited need to handle leadership positions within the organization.
Level Of Teachability
The willingness of the candidates to learn things and get trained in new skills is another important personality trait that recruiters need to focus on. Candidates depicting a high level of teachability often prove to be more beneficial for a business organization in the long run. This is because they are willing to expand their skill set and knowledge to meet the demands of a challenging role that might become available within the organization. They also prove to be the turn to option for the organization in case of sudden talent shortage which can be fulfilled temporarily with minimal training.

Humility And Empathy
Most business organizations today operate as a close knot unit where the employees share more than their professional expertise and knowledge. To maintain the smooth workflow within the organization, it is important for the recruiters to choose candidates having the traits of humility and empathy. According to the professionals offering executive coaching in China, these two qualities can help minimize conflict within the work environment. The humble and empathetic attitude of top executives can help burn barriers and create a more open and frank work culture.

Great Time Management Skills
The high level of competition and the increasing work pressures make it extremely difficult for executive professionals today to maintain a great work–life balance. This can affect their professional growth and performance besides exposing them to high levels of stress. That is why the recruitment experts need to focus on candidates with exceptional time management skills.