When it comes to
listing the various factors that influence organizational performance and
growth, company culture plays an extremely important role. Unfortunately, the company culture in most
business organizations operating within China is extremely weak and is likely
to stay the same unless some serious steps are taken to rectify it. This, in
addition to the cut throat competition in the talent market makes it extremely
difficult for the recruiters includes the life sciences
executive search firms in China to attract and recruit the best
candidates. The good news is that changing the toxic work culture is entirely
possible and can be done simply by the determined action of the top leadership
within the organization.

What Makes Company Culture So Important
Chinese businesses
have traditionally operated in a hierarchical manner, which focuses more on the
growth of top managers with the junior level executives expected to follow
their orders. However, with the increasing influence of western work culture,
an increasing number of Chinese executives seek equal opportunities for growth
within their own organizations. In addition, there is also demand for a more
open and flexible work environment, which is an integral aspect of the western
company culture. Organizations that are not willing to adapt these new relatively
new norms face the risk of losing their most efficient performers as well as
experiencing a loss in their credibility as a preferred employer.
The Best Ways To Overcome The Challenge
Having understood the
significance of company culture for organizational growth, it is now time to
look at the best ways to rectify toxic culture. This would require the top
management of the organization to make some key changes in their organizational
policies as well as their traditional approach in terms of interacting with the
members of the workforce. Discussed below are some effective steps that the
organizations can take in this direction as suggested by the experts from international
executive search firms in China.

Promote A Transparent Work Culture
The most important
thing that organizations need to do in order to create a positive company
culture is to promote an open and transparent work environment. This
essentially means that the members of the workforce should be made aware of the
organizational objectives, the road map to achieve the same and the policy
changes that might necessary for fulfilment of these objectives.

Place The Right Candidates In Leadership Roles
Executive leaders
today need to be less dictatorial and more people oriented as it helps them to
win the trust and loyalty of their followers. Hence it is important for the
organizations to place candidates with such leadership qualities in key
management positions. This is essential to enhance overall employee engagement
and drive performance for continued growth and success of the business.

Encourage Social Bonding At Workplace
It was not uncommon
for the managers and senior level executives within an organization to frown
upon social bonding between the members of the workforce. However, this
attitude should not be supported by organizations working towards creating a
positive company culture. Rather these companies should encourage such bonds
which are known to improve the camaraderie between employees and enhance their
team working capabilities.
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