Tuesday 29 June 2021

How top executive search firms in Asia are focusing on talent acquisitions?

Talent acquisition is one strategy which is being widely adopted by each and every top executive search firms in Asia for the purpose of identifying, attracting and acquiring the best individuals in the market. When the executive search firms head for talent acquisition they wear the hat of skilled professionals who form an end-to end strategy for the purpose of attracting, assessing as well as acquiring the candidates for the client organization.

What are the key benefits of using talent acquisition as the strategy?

Here are some of the prime reasons for the top executive search firms in Shanghai to adopt talent acquisition as the prime strategy for hiring and recruitment for client organization:

·        Helps in building as well as enhancing the employer brand for client organization

·        Helps in establishing alignment with the people strategy of the organization on a long term basis

·        Creates a strong network of skilled leaders and professionals who can take up various roles in different organisations

·        A pipeline creation is done for prospective candidates

·        Maintenance of relationships with the past talented candidates.

How is the talent acquisition process carried out by the top executive search firms in Hong Kong?

The executive recruiters make their best effort to embed the talent acquisition strategy in the organisation’s recruitment strategies. Here’s how the talent acquisition process is carried out:

·        Organizational strategy

Talent acquisition is a long term process and thus it is required to be in strong alignment with the strategic roadmap of the client organization. For this the executive search firms are required to draw a strategic roadmap for the organization in order to bring real value for the organization.

·        Building the talent pipeline

When the executive firms focuses upon talent acquisition, they don’t wait for a vacancy to be initiated, instead they screen out the best candidates and then proactively build a pipeline of talented candidates for future hires. The talent pool so build helps in creating a databased of tested, future candidates and thus reduces the time for hiring when the need crops up.

·        Executing the hiring process

Candidate onboarding is the process where talent acquisition merges with traditional hiring. Here several suitable candidates are identified from some of the names already in the mind of the recruitment firms. The skills of the candidates are assessed in accordance with the expertise required for the current job role. In order to ensure that the candidates align well with the organizational culture and other norms, a quick interview is conducted. Once the perfect hire is identified, the time to make the hiring and onboarding begins.

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